Rental Resources
We want to help you find the best living solution. Here is some information and a few tips we have gathered to make your experience a good one.
Elite Property Management is dedicated to making every aspect of renting easier and more enjoyable. If you have any questions, feel free to call our office. One of our leasing agents will be happy to help.
Click here to view the Residential Tenancies Act.
Appointment viewings can be arranged through the office. One of our staff members will be pleased to show you the rental units you are interested in.
Once you have viewed a rental unit that you would like to rent, you will need to complete an application. You can fill out the "Rental Application Form" found on this site, or you can fill out an application at the viewing or at our office.
Important information you will need for your rental application:
- Landlord references (5 years)
- Employment references (pay stubs)
- Banking information statement
- Personal references
- Personal identification (photo ID)
- It takes approximately 48-72 hours for your application to be processed. Once your application has been approved, our office will contact you to sign a rental agreement.
Rent Collection
Rent can be paid in person at our office by cheque. We also offer internet and telephone banking payments through your financial institution. With appropriate approval, rent may also be paid through direct debit.
Office Hours
The general office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday (closed on statuary holidays).
We can show properties outside of office hours with pre-booked appointments.
Maintenance and Repair Services
If your repair is an emergency, please contact either the building manager by telephone or our office (306-956-0044). Examples of emergencies include:
- Leaking roofs
- Water leaks
- Floods
- Fires
- Heating malfunctions
We have staff on call to deal with all emergencies. All other maintenance and repairs should be reported in writing and directed to our office or a maintenance form can be submitted on this site. We respond to all written maintenance requests within 48 hours of receiving them.
Noise Complaints
All tenants are responsible for providing an atmosphere where other tenants may reasonably enjoy their apartment. With that said, we realize problems can arise. If you experience noise problems, please contact our office. If the problem persists, contact the police. Please make a note of the report number and the time the noise occurred in case we require the information for eviction purposes. The Saskatoon City Police (complaint line): 306-978-8300
Tenants Moving In
An appointment for your move-in and property inspection can be arranged any time after 12:00 noon on the first of the month. All appointments are booked in advance on a first-come, first-served basis.
Tenants are responsible for arranging utility, telephone, internet, and cable service.
Telephone Connection
SaskTel: 23-2nd Avenue South, 306-310-7253
Cable Connection
Shaw Cable: 2326 Hanselman Avenue, 306-664-2121
Power Connection
City of Saskatoon: 222-3rd Avenue North, 306-978-2400
SaskPower: 320-22nd Street East, 1-888-757-6937
Water Connection
City of Saskatoon: 222 3rd Avenue North, 306-978-2400
Gas Connection
SaskEnergy: 408 36th Street East, 306-975-8505
Moving Out
If you have a month-to-month rental agreement, your rental agreement stipulates you must give one month's notice in writing to terminate your month-to-month rental agreement.
If you have a lease agreement, you must give two month’s notice in writing to terminate your lease agreement. If you choose not to sign another lease, your lease agreement will change to a month-to-month rental agreement.
Notices to vacate must be received in our office on or before the last day of the month. Please allow extra time if you are mailing your notice instead of hand delivering it.
Disconnecting Utilities
If you have agreed to pay for any utilities (not including telephone and cable), you are responsible for paying the utilities to the end of your tenancy.
Please contact the service providers listed above to let them know when your tenancy ends. You should also provide them with your forwarding address so your final bill may be forwarded to you.
Moving Out and Cleaning Your Unit
The property will be inspected once you have completely vacated. You are responsible for cleaning the rental unit. A list was provided with your move-in package with items that need to be cleaned at move-out. All belongings and garbage must be removed from the unit and carpets must be cleaned.
Arrange an appointment with our office for your suite inspection. At inspection time you will be required to return the keys to our staff member.
If the unit is not cleaned and/or the unit requires repair, costs may be deducted from your security deposit. Your security deposit, and any interest owing, will be refunded within 7 working days from the end of your tenancy.
Moving Tips
- Designate one dresser drawer for sheets and towels so you won’t have to rummage through boxes the first night in your new home.
- If you need to store some of your goods, tour the warehouse of the mover you’re planning to use. Look for cleanliness, organization, security, etc, to determine if your belongings will be in good hands.
- After you have cleaned and dried your refrigerator, keep the interior smelling fresh by putting a handful of fresh coffee or baking soda in a sock and placing it in the refrigerator.
- If you’re changing towns or cities, take your current phone book with you. You may need to make calls to residents or businesses back in your former hometown.
- Prepare an “unload me first” carton with essentials you’ll need immediately at your new home.
- Use a bag for hardware from disassembled items, such as beds.
- Before the van foreperson leaves for your destination residence, give him or her (and your move coordinator) a phone number where you can be reached. Get the van foreperson’s cell number too.
- At your new residence, you may want to connect the TV and DVD player first to keep the kids occupied while the rest of the van is unloaded.
- Keep your children and pets calm and away from all the activity on moving day. Arrange a visit to a family friend. Don't forget to keep your pet’s food and leash handy.
- When moving plants to your new residence, prevent scorching the leaves by keeping foliage away from the car windows.
- Upon arrival at your new home, let your electronics adjust to room temperature before you plug them in or use them.
- Schedule cleaning and other home services for the day after loading. Move day can be hectic, and the different service providers need to stay out of each other’s way.
- Have your utilities shut off the day after loading to avoid being left in the dark during your move.
- Make arrangements to move items your mover can’t take, such as flammable and/or combustible items, aerosol cans, hazardous materials, gasoline, plants, paint, ammunition and explosives, jewelry, legal documents (wills, financial papers, insurance documents, etc.).
- Consider downsizing. What can be sold or donated to charity? What hasn’t been used within the last year?
- Make a list of everyone you need to notify about your move: friends, professionals, creditors, subscriptions, etc.
- If moving to a new town or city, subscribe to the local paper in your new community to familiarize yourself with local news and activities.
- Contact schools, doctors, lawyers, the vet, etc., for copies of your personal records and referrals.
- Collect important documents (DMV records, stocks, wills, etc.).
- Obtain a change-of-address kit from Canada Post. Fill out and mail cards or simply click here to go to www.expressaddress.com
- Contact utility companies for service disconnect/connect. Keep phone and utilities connected at your current home until the day after moving. Here’s a start: gas, electric, water, telephone, cable TV, trash collection.
- Contact insurance companies (auto, homeowners or renters, medical, and life) to arrange for coverage in your new home.
- If you’re packing yourself, purchase packing boxes from from your local mover or Home Depot. Pack now any items you don’t need to use in the immediate future.
- Arrange to close or transfer your bank accounts, and open accounts in your new location.
- If you’re moving a considerable distance, have your car checked and serviced for the trip. Make sure that your car is prepared for the weather conditions awaiting you.
- Drain the gas and oil from power equipment (lawn mowers, snow blowers, travelling with the mover, etc.) before moving.